Secret Signs: A Creativity-enhancing Puzzle
Secret Signs
Riddles without question
Wouter Walmink
Skillprint’s Ratings
Pattern Matching
No ads
In-app Purchases
Unlimited time
Multiple levels
Description of the Game
How do you solve a riddle that poses no question? Poke it, move it and look at it from all angles, because both problem and solution are hidden in plain sight.
Secret Signs tests your creativity and imagination. These riddles may seem abstract, but there is more than meets the eye. You may think “Huh?”, but soon you’ll say “Hmm…” and finally exclaim “Aha!”
Why this works
Secret Signs is a game of creativity, insight, and curiosity. To solve each unique puzzle, you will need to curiously explore, until your pattern matching kicks into gear and discovers the key insight for that level. Players reported feeling more creative and focused after playing, and extraverts yielded additional boosts for curiosity and grit. Fortunately, you have unlimited time and attempts to solve each puzzle – we just wish there were more of them!
Why Pattern Matching matters
Pattern Matching is important in solving problems of any kind, but especially ones that rely on previous experience. Your brain is constantly looking for patterns that might have familiar solutions, eagerly hoping to use those solutions again. This can be extremely useful, but can also sometimes prevent us from realizing we are in a new situation that may require a novel solution. In Secret Signs, you will learn new patterns, and may find that these help you understand old problems in new ways.
Recommended for…
Introverts tend to enjoy Secret Signs more than extraverts, finding it more fun and engaging, and less confusing or frustrating. However, as mentioned above, extraverted people report not only boosts for creativity and focus, but also for curiosity and grit. We suggest playing as long as you are feeling more positive benefits, and stopping if you start to feel too confused or frustrated: playing games while paying attention to your emotions is also a great way to practice recognizing and regulating your emotions in real life.